From left to rigth: Charles (Cameroon), Thiago (Brazil), Sak (Laos) and Rock (Madagascar)
They were teaching in the confirmation classes of Mandal. About 15 students from Hald were presenting something about mission and the christian's life during 210 minutes in different ways ( songs, drama, speeches, testimonies...).
For me it was an exiting thing to take part of these students and to be called Missionar for the first time in my life. I realised that those who dream to do that work can, one day, see there dream becoming rea. God can use you if you want really to serve him, and He provides everything you will need for this job.
My team spetially wondered me by the particularity of each of us, when is came to do something in your turn. We had each something new from our country and churhes ( Cameroon, Brazil, Madagaskar and Laos). This five gys shared with "Konfirmater" on the christian's responsability as missionaries through the world, the testimony, how do different organitions work in the Mission organisation in Norway and the possibility to join them.
After three teachings of 30 minutes each, the internatinnal missionar team left very happily and honored by the priest who was so greatfull. This is a great encouragement to follow that JOB.
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